In our new movie we would like to portray the process of being alive. To do this we illustrated the course of one particular life.
Being alive means many things, happiness, joy but also pain and suffering. Ultimately however there is only one option and that is to go on living, continue to follow a path and make it yours by accepting it and living it to the full.
“Empty pockets will
Allow a greater
Sense of wealth
Why contain yourself
Like any other
Book on the shelf (…)
Subtle voices in the wind,
Hear the truth they’re telling
A world begins where the road ends
Watch me leave it all behind
Far Behind”
From from the song “Far Behind” composed by Eddie Vedder for the movie “Into the wild”.
Clément Bugnon (director, choreographer, performer & idea)
Matthias Kass (choreographer, performer, music editor)
Issey Llambias (director, camera operator, editor-post production & light designer)