The theme of this dance production deals with human striving for the ideal, for beauty and immortality. Based on (derived from) the concept in Antiquity that perfect beauty can only be achieved in art and thereby a truly beautiful body created, the philosophy/notion arose that through this process of idealization godliness and immortality could be reached. The protagonist, in this case is the artist of the classical period of Greek art. He perfected and transformed reality until he was satisfied that he had created a perfect being that transcended the natural.
It is this concept that we have transferred/translated into the present world. The process of sublimating and thereby heightening the natural – and the craving for perfection has expanded today far beyond the arts, sculpture and the striving to reach the divine. Now it is the self-centered individualistic person attempting to control and manipulate the real and concrete aspects of daily life. Instead of operating in the arts, it is an idealized life-plan that he is after. It is the pursuit for more and more efficiency, speed and success and no longer the desire to get closer to the divine.
The immediate consequence is that people lose their function as protagonists and turn themselves into „products“, which are developed and formed by machines and computers. In the end they are developed digitally into „virtual“ beings.
Directors & Choreographers : Clément Bugnon & Matthias Kass
Dancers : Mattia Saracino, Natalie Farkas, Nitzan Moshe, Jeremy Alberge,
Assistant : Simone Elliott
Apprentice : Rosalia Pace
Broadcasting manager : Marion Noëlle
Composer & Musician : Michio Woirgardt
Composer & Musicians : Szymon Brzoska (composer), Barbara Drazkowska (pianist) & Victor Guaita (violist)
Costume designer : Katharina Andes
Light & Stage designer : Clément Bugnon & Marion Noëlle
Photographer : Gregory Batardon
Video production (livestream) Frame Factory, Oriel Steinmann (live director), Dario Willommet (camera operator), Pierre Béronie (camera operator)
The production was co-produced by Théâtre Interface and supported by: